DISNOVATION.ORG collective will be in charge of the artistic work of the 'Water Commons' in France

In December, the artists will share with the commissioners the first axes for the development of a production, while the production will be finished at the end of 2024.
The ‘Art living Lab for Sustainability’ project in France, Water Commons, which have been working with the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park since 2023, on the subject of water as an important player as regards different topics around environment questions, has selected the research collective set up in Paris in 2012, DISNOVATION.ORG, -composed by Maria Roszkowska (PL/FR), Nicolas Maigret (FR), and Baruch Gottlieb(CA)-, to developed the artwork.
The artistic collective work at the interface between contemporary art, research, and hacking, and compose tailor-made teams for each investigation together with academics, activists, engineers, and designers. More specifically their recent artistic provocations seek to empower Post Growth imaginaries and practices by challenging the widespread faith that ‘economic growth’ and ‘technological fixes’ will solve the ecosystemic disruptions they produced in the first place.

installation, 1m2 of automated cultivation, led grow lights, camera, streaming | 2020
The art work might be mobile, film, photos, drawings and texts or sound work for instance, and the final result aims to raise awareness of the climatic changes underway which have natural, economical consequences, and to focus on what must be collectively reconsidered as a ‘common good’.
During the last few weeks different meetings took place, visiting the landscape and visiting a cave to discover the geological specificities. In December, the artists will share with the commissioners the first axes for the development of a production, while the production process will be ongoing during 2024, to be finished at the end of this next year.
We will keep you informed about all the new steps of this new artistic process that has already started!