
Where are we?


Our project is located in three countries: Spain, Belgium and France.

In Couso (Galicia, Spain) has been moving from the exploitation of species that deteriorated and impoverished the soil (such as acacias, eucalyptus and pines) to the use of traditional native species. This territory was recognized as ICCA Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas by United Nations but the still have problems with acacias and also improvement of local self-esteem of objectives achieved. The creation of a living lab and its subsequent artistic materialization can be a milestone in the community and also for the rest of the 3000 common mountains in Galicia.

The problems Boom, a small village in Flanders (Belgium), faces are illustrative of the dangers of unbridled economic growth on the expenses of the use of natural resources in today's society. As for the clay mines, in many European territories they have been abandoned in the first half of the 20th century, this has caused the abandonment of many villages, but even so, in these territories local knowledge related to the management of clay continues to survive and your chances. They want art to play a role in the increasing awareness of the new ecology emerging on their excavated land and a growing historical insight of the role their industrial past has played.

In the Jura (France), a mid-mountain territory marked by heavy forestation and a topography of ridges, coombes and valleys but also irrigated by a large network of rivers, natural lakes and wetlands, water represents a major environmental challenge for this region in view of the climate changes underway. The Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park is an important player as regards the future of water resources. In parallel with the problem of the quality of the resource and the restoration of the environment, the question of the quantity of water will be a crucial issue for the rural mid-range mountains territories in the years to come.