
We share live and in a multifaceted way the progress of the global project.


The Clay Commons artwork will underline the new future of Boom

The artwork will not only serve as an allegation of the industrial past, but also become guardian of the new ecological location.


Water Commons’ commission will seek to raise awareness about climate change

After the mediation process, which took place during 2023, an invitation was extended to artists, DISNOVATION org, to take part in this reflection and better anticipate the consequences on natural environments on resources.


The community woodlands' value enhancement, visibility and generational replacement will be the seed for the Land Commons artistic production

From the collective desire that was defined through a mediation process in 2023, an artwork commission has been elaborated to inspire the work of artist Asunción Molinos Gordo.


Focus on the Nature Based Solutions and promoting circular economies

The three artistic works of art must be ecological responses that should be respectful of the environment and that deepen the maintenance of ecosystems.


Conceiving the encounter while it is taking place

In late May we organised the first European session of Art as a Space of Encounter and a Common Walk in Galicia.


To face the climate crisis it is necessary to activate participatory processes

The main mission of this project is to demonstrate the capacity of culture and art to address sustainability and not only as a generator of new works of art but also as an activator of processes of participatory methodologies.


The power of the citizens: Nouveaux Commanditaires Network

The three partners Concomitentes (Spain), De Nieuwe opdrachtgevers/Les Nouveaux Commanditaires (Belgium) and La Societé de les Nouveaux Commanditaires (France) operate under this methodology.


What are the main targets ‘Art Living Lab for Sustainability' pursue?

This project seek, from practice, to see how culture can operate and become a relevant agent in sustainability.